• पुस्तक

RELIGION FOR HARMONIOUS LIVING – (Book published by Manak Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi , and Institute of Harmony and Peace Studies, New Delhi, in 2022)

‘Religion for Harmonious Living’ is a substantial volume that advocates religion as an agent of harmonious living. It analyzes the positives and negatives of religion in a realistic manner. It proceeds to underline the fact that ethical, human and spiritual values are the most brilliant component of religion and religions. Inclusive thinking, interactive learning and collaborative living have to be the natural outcome of religious engagement. In spite of the fact that religion is no exception to the inadequacies and imperfections of the created world of the humans, it has to be a motivating force for harmonious living, rightly so. In other words, religion has to be a path towards social harmony, of course in an interactive fashion.

The book, in seventeen chapters, reviews the theme in question from various perspectives, in terms of two umbrella areas namely ‘religion and harmony’. It examines religion and religions in general and dialogical implications of and approaches among religions, scientifically so. A few comparative studies between religious traditions highlight the diverse aspects of the religious phenomenon. It approaches the theme from the viewpoints of revolutionary poets and social reformers, like Kabeer and Shree Narayan Guru. The analysis of Constitutional and religious values gives the book the right focus, too. The role of education in facilitating religion for social harmony is duly discussed, as well.

The Constitutional ethos of India emphasizes the democratic, socialist and secular credentials of life as citizens. Accordingly, an all-inclusive mindset is the right response to the plural, diverse and multi-faceted character of the country in particular and of the world society in general. Harmonious living calls for zeroing down the discriminative frame of mind based on ethnicity, gender, language, race, caste, class, creed, class, culture, dress patterns, food habits and other social traditions. ‘Religion for Harmonious Living’ is the destination of human believers and thinkers as well as religion and religions, well, has to be necessarily so.

'Religion for Harmonious Living', Manak Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2022

FELLOWSHIP OF RELIGIONS – (Book published by Sarup Book Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi in 2020, under the auspices of Institute of Harmony and Peace Studies, New Delhi)

‘Fellowship of Religions’ is a ‘multi-religious and a mini encyclopedia’, on the diverse dimensions of fellowship among religions, or better, among believers of diverse religions and even much beyond. All traditions of faith, ideology and culture are the ‘gifts of the same Creator or God’ and they are the ‘shared cultural heritage of the human society’. ‘Sharing in’ the values of the faith of the other, while ‘sharing with’ others the values of one’s faith, is the sublime culture of a true believer, may he or she be affiliated to any tradition. In other words, ‘faith meets faith’, or better, ‘believers meet believers’ is the spiritual drive that leads believers to the attainment of ‘fellowship of religions’.

'Fellowship of Religions', as a phrase, admittedly, is fairly a new concept for the religious world and it brings to light a meaningful, elevated and a pleasing idea, and therefore a well welcome idea, too. Without a doubt, communication among people of diverse traditions of faith, ideologies and civilizations, and for that matter, even among people who claim no religion, has been prevailing in the world from time immemorial, in some way or other. Definitely, various modes of relations, even exchange of views, among groups and communities of religious, ethnic and social affiliations were very much present in India, too.

The ‘new wave’ of ‘fellowship among religions’ emerged from the Second World Council of Vatican, of the Catholic Christian community in the 60s of the nineteenth century, with the name ‘interreligious dialogue’ or ‘interfaith relations’. In recent times, this idea has grown worldwide in both horizontal and vertical proportions. ‘Fellowship of religions’, as it is applied here, is the larger version of the same, especially from the result of quality in ‘fellowship or partnership’ the interfaith endeavour is oriented to. In point of fact, ‘divine sensibilities’ are available only on the path of fellowship.

'Fellowship of Religions',Sarup Book Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2020

DESH EK, EK HEIN HUM SAB – (Book published by GenNext Publication / Gyan books Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, in 2019, under the auspices of Institute of Harmony and Peace Studies, New Delhi)

Desh Ek, Ek Hein Hum Sab (Country is One, We All are One) is a collection of 125 poems in Hindi on ‘communal harmony and national integration’ by over 100 poets of the country. The idea of the book was conceived, the work was coordinated and the book was edited by Dr M. D. Thomas. The forward, messages and the editorial elaborate the core objective of the book, substantially well. The poems in the book critique, in a thought-provoking way, the strange and silly ways in which people have understood their religions. In response, they present revolutionary and motivating insights for coming out of one’s respective small niches of caste, class, faith, and the like, in view of unlearning and re-learning the religious and social phenomenon of life, so as to make it a blessing rather than a fatal liability.

Further, diversity is the unique identity of India, more than any country in the world. ‘Unity’ is that element which establishes a connection between various items of diversity and makes sense out of them. The Constitution of India underlines 'secularism' as the basis of equality among different social groups and as the element that balances it with the distinctiveness of every individual and communal entity. This exactly is the soul of democracy, as well. 'Indianness' is simply the delicious fruit of good will, interaction, friendship, fellowship and partnership among communities of diverse affiliations. The spirit of ‘solidarity’ among one and all is the path towards ‘communal harmony’ and ‘national unity’.

Communities of all compositions, like caste, class, creed, language, gender, region, ideology, culture, food and costumes, have to conduct themselves in an inclusive, collaborative and mutually enriching manner. Only such a style of living with each other will take the citizens and communities of the country towards larger horizons, and eventually towards the sublime realization that the ‘oneness of the country and the unity of the citizens’ are the culminating attainment as regards ‘nationality and citizenship’. This is the logic of the book as well as the objective as well as vision of its Editor. Obviously, the book strives to achieve ‘harmony and peace’ among religious and social communities as the right stepping stone to harmonious living as citizens of the same country. The book is sure to contribute to the social, cultural, national and spiritual wellbeing of the citizens of India, of any country for that matter, through the spirit of communal harmony and national integration.

MOOLYA BIBLE KE – (Book published by PILGRIMS PUBLISHING, Varanasi/Delhi, in 2016)

Universal Values of the Bible in 1010 couples and 11 melodies

Moolya Bible Ke (Values of the Bible) is a poetic and musical rendering of the universal values of the Bible in Hindi. It is an amazing compendium of 1010 dohaas (couplets) and 11 musical compositions, in a two-in-one texture.

The composition of the dohaas is inspired by the characteristically classical as well as popular style of the mystic poet Kabeer, but certainly in the setting of the modern Hindi poetry. The musical compositions are done in the mood and flavor of the ragas of the Hindustani classical music, as well.

Obviously, the values of the Bible derive mainly from the person and teachings of the great Master Jesus. The values of Jesus Christ offer a wholesome experience of life and the poetic genre of 'dohaa' presents a powerful expression of the same.

'Moolya Bible Ke', Pilgrims Publishing, Varanasi, Delhi, 2016

KABEER AUR EESAAYEE CHINTAN – (Book published by Radhakrishna Prakashan, New Delhi, in 2003)

‘Kabeer and Christian Thought’ was the fruit of research leading to doctoral studies in Hindi literature from Banares Hindu University, Varanasi. The focus of the research is an exploration of ‘The Social Implications of the Understanding of God in Kabeer and Christian Thought’. This multi-disciplinary study combines disciplines, like language, literature, poetry, philosophy, Scripture, religion, spirituality, mysticism, art, culture and ethics. This was the first ever attempt at bridging the above areas through a comparative perspective in hindi, and for that matter, in any language.

Besides, the book analyses the similar and dissimilar perceptions of life in either contexts and presents a large gamut of cross-cultural insights. The multi-faceted research brings forth new avenues of thought-processes and knowledge. It opens immense possibilities for inter-ideological, inter-traditional and inter-community relations and, without doubt, paves the way for national integration and social amity. The book offers a substantial yardstick for cross-cultural research, too. In spite of the fact that the mother tongue of the author is Malayalam, he commands a commendable authority on the national language and culture ‘Hindi’, as well.

'Kabeer aur Eesaayee Chintan', Radhakrishna Prakashan, New Delhi, 2003

‘मूल्य बाइबिल के’ (पिलग्रिम्स पब्लिशिंग​, वाराणसी/दिल्ली, द्वारा 2016 में प्रकाशित पुस्तक)

बाइबिल के सार्वभौम मूल्यों पर 1010 दोहे और 11 संगीत​-रचनाएँ

मूल्य बाइबिल के बाइबिल के सार्वभौम मूल्यों का काव्य और संगीत रूप है। यह 1010 दोहों और 11 संगीत रचनाओं की प्रस्तुति का एक अद्भुत समाहार है। दोहों की रचना रहस्य-साधक कबीर की शास्त्रीय, लोकप्रिय और विशिष्ट शैली से प्रेरित है और आधुनिक हिंदी काव्य के अंदाज में की गयी है तथा संगीत​-रचनाएँ हिंदुस्तानी शास्त्रीय संगीत के विविध रागों की भाव​-भंगिमा लिए बनी हुई है।

जाहिर तौर पर, बाइबिल के मूल्य ईसा मसीह की महान शख्सियत और तालिम से उभरे हुए मूल्य हैं। ईसा के मूल्य जीवन की एक समग्र अनुभूति पेश करते हैं और काव्य​-शैली 'दोहा' एक सशक्त अभिव्यक्ति भी। मूल्य-चेतना को अभिव्यक्त करने के लिये जहाँ उपयुक्त काव्य​-विधा है, वहाँ दूसरी ओर भाव-रस को जाहिर करने के लिये रागों से बढ़कर कोई जरिया भी नहीं है।

‘कबीर और ईसाई चिन्तन’ (राधाकृष्ण प्रकाशन, नयी दिल्ली, द्वारा 2003 में प्रकाशित पुस्तक)

यह ‘कबीर और ईसाई दर्शन में ईश्वर-परिकल्पना का सामाजिक आशय’ विषय पर काशी हिंदू विश्व विद्यालय, वाराणसी, में पीएच.डी. के लिये प्रस्तुत शोध-प्रबंध का पुस्तक-रूप है। यह बहु-आयामी अध्ययन​ भाषा, साहित्य, काव्य, दर्शन, धर्म, धर्म-ग्रंथ, अध्यात्म, कला, संस्कृति, नैतिकता, आदि अनुशासनों को अपने में समेटता है। यह शोध​-कार्य​ हिन्दू-इस्लामी-ईसाई जीवन दृष्टि के वैचारिक, धार्मिक और सांस्कृतिक​ परिवेश की विभिन्नता और एकता का तुलनात्मक विश्लेषण करने का पहला प्रयास है।

साथ ही, ईश्वर के बारे में धारणाएँ किस तरह दोनों ही परंपराओं में सामाजिक जीवन को परिलक्षित करता है, यह प्रस्तुत अध्ययन का केन्द्र-बिंदु है। इस शोध-कार्य से विभिन्न संस्कृतियों के बीच तुलनात्मक विचार के लिये एक ठोस मापदंड भी उभर कर आता है। अपनी मातृभाषा मलयलम् होकर भी लेखक ने देश की राष्ट्र-भाषा और संस्कृति ‘हिंदी’ पर असधारण अधिकार प्राप्त कर लिया है, यह बात अपने आप में साबित होती है। यह रचना अपनी किस्म की पहली रचना है, जो देश की एकता और अखंडता तथा सांप्रदायिक सौहार्द को विभिन्न आयामों में प्रोत्साहित करती ही नहीं, उसका दिशा-निर्देश भी करती है।

'कबीर और ईसाई चिंतन​', राधाकृष्ण प्रकाशन​, नयी दिल्ली, 2003